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Rabu, 3 September 2014

Ini Penjelasan Dari Ahli Keluarga Mangsa - Kes Tumbuk Wartawan.

Episode pertama kat sini.

Ini susulan dari kejadian tersebut. Setelah ahli keluarga mangsa dikecam oleh pelbagai pihak bahkan PDRM sendiri tampil membuat kenyataan akhbar menasihati ahli keluarga mangsa agar bertenang walaupun memahami mereka dirundung duka atas apa yang berlaku kepada ahli keluarga mereka tetapi janganla sampai memukul wartawan yang bertugas. PDRM juga tampil menasihati para wartawan agar memahami ahli keluarga mangsa yang sedang beremosi maka jangan la sampai klik2 gambar sehingga buat orang meluat. Ada betulnya point polis. Aku tak nafikan tindakan PDRM tampil menasihati kedua2 belah pihak atas tindakan yang betul. Cuma pelik juga memikirkan kenapa dalam isu PPS, PDRM kita tak boleh nak berdiplomasi bagai? Hak ye, main wayang politik kan?


Oke, sambung balik.

Berikut kat bawah ialah penjelasan dari ahli keluarga yang terbabit dalam insiden pukul wartawan pada semalam ;


Apa yang berlaku ialah ;

1. Wartawan2 itu tidak menghormati privacy ahli keluarga mangsa yang sedang berduka ketika menghantar 'mayat' ke destinasi akhir.

2. Ruang private yang digunakan untuk ahli keluarga bersedih dicerobohi oleh para wartawan dengan klik2 gambar dan rakam video.

Aku rasa macam neh la. Aku ada juga tengok upacara pengebumian non muslim kat program2 tv. Memang private space tue dorang gunakan masa untuk 'menyalurkan kesedihan' dan ianya kelihatan agak janggal juga jika para2 wartawan memasuki ruang tersebut dan tangkap gambar sana sini. Haiyaaaaa.. sendiri cari penyakit. Tapi still, elok halau dengan cara baik la. 


Dan ini lagi penjelasan panjang lebar dia ;

Many people are running their mouth speaking on racial undertones without any facts. So, allow me to give you some.

1. The family of Paul and Shuba is made of an intermix of relations and friends from different backgrounds, and race. There were Dutch, Malay, Chinese, Indian family and other individuals from other races and nationalities over there today who identified with the family's grief and anger with how the media was handling the event today-where the MEDIA were NOT welcomed in the first place.

If you continuously see everything from a racial lens- thats what you will see. The fact is nobody was singled out for their race or media background (none were wearing badges anyway). It just happened that he crossed the line repeatedly (there were a few others too), and unlike others, he didnt bother to stop clicking and was giving media statements in the middle of a funeral procession (who does that anyway and do you think thats smart in a high tension event?). Thats what you see in the video, but you didnt see what happened before or after the video stops.

2. Singling NST though for a moment, do you know repeatedly they have approached many family members (including a young female family members) over the last 1 month or so, to talk about gruesome things such as asking for confirmation on dead infants pics posted online, conditions of body, have they viewed the body parts/remains and the classic 'how do you feel about this?' Maybe you should ask Aliza Shah from NST about this. She even mentioned that the bosses were urging her to continuously ask about all this. But, NST is not the only one- other local media were continuously bugging them with downright harrowing and traumatic questions even when they were told not to disturb any family members.

Before you comment on being uncivilized, ask yourself how come the international press were gracious enough to actually listen and not ask stupid questions, but not the local ? Where's their ethics and professionalism ? If they had shown that- all this wouldn't have happened.

3.This is a grieving family who had their family shot down and murdered in cold blood, and have to endure the pain for the last one month, and getting back their remains in such state of disrespect for their PRIVATE FUNERAL AFFAIR.

Media coverage should only be up to the ministers/politician press coverage, and up to receiving their remains in KLIA. They never do, nor have the rights or privilege to be at the private event held in a private center that was held for a private crowd.

Let me repeat this- Not the ministers, not the dignitaries, not VVIPs or anyone was allowed or invited other than close family members. A private affair is a private affair, no matter what you say-especially sensitive ones like a funeral ..of not 1, or 2, but 3 family members at the same time!

4. Next time before you run your mouth, kindly take pictures of your next of kin funeral/dead body and post the them online for the world to see before suggesting and shouting racial slurs. You wouldnt want it for yours, why would we want it for ours?

In closing, no media/no pics/no videos are allowed in the proceeding funeral affairs. We spoke in kinder and gracious terms before this but pushed to the brink.

After all, you might be harping on posting on this for next couple of days - but it is the family who would have to bear this burden for many more years to come (would you like Google to immortalize your family or relative death pics permanently??). It is their full right to protect their deceased family members imagery and rights. No questions on this.

This is not a political event, dont make it into one. This is not a racial event, dont make it into one. This is a private funeral. Give the space and let the family grieve in private.


Hah, tue dia.

Siap tanya keadaan mayat lagi. Bongok punya soalan. Wartawan bodoh nak mampos. Bayangkan kalau sedara mara kita mati dalam keadaan macam tue dan kita tanya pasal keadaan mayat kat waris mangsa, tak rasa menyirap ka?

Pihak media pun salah juga. Keterlaluan sangat nak dapatkan berita sehingga langkau ruang privasi ahli keluarga mangsa. Satu lagi, dah diberitahu bahawa kehadiran pihak media TIDAK DIALU2KAN, takan faham bahasa kot? Haiyaaa..

Apa2 pun aku tetap berpendapat, cara kekasaran (pukul) itu tidak patut. Cukup geng2 wartawan buat kerja gila. Kita jangan terikut dan terpengaruh dengan peel mengarut depa. Dan apa yang pihak media buat juga melampaui batas. Rakyat perlu tahu kenapa ahli keluarga mangsa marah. Jangan buat pertimbangan berat sebelah. Pihak media, anda patut ada elemen2 simpati kepada pihak keluarga mangsa yang terjejas. Memang la berita tue penting untuk naikkan millage pemberitaan ko tapi apala erti berita kalau akhirnya berita2 itu datangnya selepas korang menyakiti ahti orang lain? BELAJAR HORMATI HAK PRIVACY SETIAP RAKYAT DI MUKA BUMI ini la wahai pengamal media. Kasi ruang sikitla. Jangan nak kejar semua benda maaa.. 

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