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Rabu, 28 Mac 2018

Betapa Ramah Dan Merendah Dirinya Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti Hasmah.

Oleh : Sakinah Omar

*** Ini Bukan Post Tentang Politik, Hanyalah Seorang Rakyat Yang Ingin Menunjukkan Betapa Humblenya Tun Dr Mahathir & Tun Dr Siti Hasmah. 

Dan perhatikan ramai polis Korea menjaga Tun, begitulah besarnya penghargaan yang Korea berikan terhadap Tun walaupun di Malaysia, pengiring Tun telah ditarik balik.

Pada bulan May tahun lalu, Kina dan team Jeju Muslim Travel berpeluang untuk menyambut Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah di Jeju untuk makan tengahari di sebuah restoran. Ini antara video yang sempat dirakamkan sewaktu kina hadiahkan souvenir kepada kedua negarawan kita ini. Perhatikan dalam video ini betapa humble nya personaliti Tun Dr Siti Hasmah apabila beliau menghalang bodyguardnya dari mengambil souvenir yang Kina berikan kepada beliau. 

Kemudian Tun Dr Mahathir pula ambil gambar kami untuk menunjukkan penghargaan beliau buat kami (bila tengok balik video ni baru perasan yang Tun Mahathir tertunggu-tunggu nak ambil souvenir teh tu tapi Kina yang tak bagi-bagi 😅)

Few things I learned about these two negarawan Malaysia after spending some time with them in Jeju:

- Tun Siti Hasmah is a very soft spoken person, sangat lembut & peramah. Tun Mahathir seemed a bit serious sewaktu kami bertemu di bilik hotel, tapi as soon as we went out, he became more friendly ☺ (you can see in the video I posted, Tun siap ambilkan gambar kami lagi, sampai Tun dah masuk dalam kereta nak balik pun beliau masih snap gambar kami lagi)

- I was worried after I saw their grand and luxurious hotel room, thinking that the restaurant I was going to take them is nothing compared to that hotel. However they seemed to enjoy and appreciate the common restaurant, didn't seem awkward and they were so casual to everyone even to the restaurant owner 😍

- Tun doesn't like to see food wasted. When they saw the food served, they said "banyak sangat makanan ni, boleh habis ke ni, jangan order banyak-banyak sangat...". However they both finished their rice although I couldn't even finish mine (sebab nervous sangat makan depan Tun)

- Sepanjang bertahun-tahun kami bawa customer ke restoran ni, tak pernah langsung ada lalat. Tapi taktahu lah kenapa time bawa Tun Mahathir ni tiba-tiba ada lalat seekor terbang-terbang kat meja. Tapi Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti Hasmah rilex je, Tun M yang kibas-kibas tangan dia halau lalat tu (Ya Allah malunyaaa masa ni).

- Whenever I speak, Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti Hasmah listened to me patiently and showed their interest in everything I was talking about- Jeju, my studies, and my business. It was like there's nothing to be worried about, I can talk to them and ask about everything and anything, including things related to politics

- Tun really like hardworking young people who strive hard to achieve the goodness in life, especially orang Melayu. When I told him about my life in Jeju and the business that I am doing to survive in this island, he said "Bagus ni, suka kerja macam orang Korea juga ye"
- Tun Siti Hasmah memang sangat menjaga etiquette, when I gave her some gifts, she didn't allow her assistant to take the gifts from her. She wanted to hold it first. And they were so supportive & sangat sabar dengar kina bercakap. They always gave me time to speak and wait for me to finish before they started to speak.

- Both of them were so very humble. They didn't mind about the common Korean restaurant and common menu that we ordered (sotong pedas, ikan bakar & seafood stew). Bila Tun Siti nampak kami makan ikan bakar, she asked for some and didn't mind that we gave some part of the fish to her from our dish. After she tried the grilled fish, she said "sedap!", So we asked, "Tun nak lagi ke?" She said, "boleh juga" (we had to help her with the fish because she couldn't see the fish bones.They didn't mind that the souvenirs we gave them were just common souvenirs that you can get anywhere, not the expensive ones. You can see this from the video.

- Tun M is a very cool person, when we were walking out from the restaurant I told him "Tun sebenarnya kan, kami semua semenjak minggu lepas lagi nervous nak jumpa Tun", and he laughed out loud, he said "laaa apa yang nak nervousnya"

- I seriously began to love them more after spending time with them personally. Semoga Tun Mahathir dan Tun Siti Hasmah dipanjangkan usia, dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan dan keselamatan dari Allah.


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